The "Théâtre National de Strasbourg" or national theatre of Strasbourg has a varied and large programme. As part of the "Centre Dramatique de l'Est", founded in 1946, the TNS is since 1968 a unique place for French theatre.
The national theatre of Strasbourg shares the predicate national theatre with the famous "Comédie Française", the "Odéon-Théâtre de l'Europe", the "Théâtre national de la Colline" and the "Théatre national de Cahillot", but it is the only one of this kind in this region. However, the main distinctive characteristic of the theatre is its ensemble: the "Ecole supérieure d'Art dramatique" (the only national school of France apart from the "Conservatoire national supérieur d'art dramatique in Paris), two demonstration halls (Bernard marie Koltès-hall and Hubert Gignoux-hall), workrooms and repetition rooms, administration offices, scenery workshops and make-up are under the same roof. About 100 employees work in the theatre.
Through its headquarters in Strasbourg, the TNS can be called a real European theatre and during each season, about 15 performances are realized, three to four of them with the own actors of the theatre. Additionally, guest performances and demonstrations in other languages take place.
Since 1954, the drama school is a part of the theatre and shares the rooms and infrastructure with it. Almost every year, a group of 22 to 23 pupils begin their studies in order to be an actor, director or dramaturg. The formation is very professional and at a high level.
Address & ContaCt:
Théâtre National de Strasbourg
1, avenue de la Marseillaise
BP 40184
67005 Strasbourg Cedex
Phone : +33 (0)3 88 24 88 00
Fax : +33 (0)3 88 37 37 71
The advance ticket office is open on Mondays from 2pm to 6pm and from Tuesday to Saturday from 10am to 6pm.
Most of the events take place at 8pm and at 4pm on Sundays.
- all information is given without guarantee -