Sehenswürdigkeiten, Veranstaltungen, Hotels in Strassburg (Strasbourg) im Elsass
In Boersch, an Alsatian village, you have the possibility to admire Alsatian marquetery made by the artist Jean-Charles Spindler.
This gallery is near the Rue des Juifs and exhibits furniture as well as contemporary and spectacular objects, like for example vases and lamps.
Publishing house and art gallery since 1979.
Nicole Buck exhibits contemporary art in a beautiful house dating from the 17th century.
This gallery exhibits the works of modern artists and Naive Art. For example, you can admire paintings by Daufin, Davrileck or Beszie there.
Jean-Pierre Ritsch-Fisch exhibits "Art Brut" and other similar art movements in his gallery in Strasbourg.